AQUA theatreman is a brand new software.  It has been designed to support the users in their key activities around Pre-Operative Assessment, Patient Scheduling, Operating List Management, and Emergency Care.  It’s simple, clear layouts and intuitive functionality supports the users to achieve their goals.

AQUA theatreman is DTAC (Digital Technology Assessment Criteria) and DCB0129 (Clinical Risk Management) compliant, meeting the latest standards in information governance, accessibility, and security to ensure we have a clinically safe product.

AQUA theatreman incorporates several features that will enable the Trust to optimise theatre performance by meeting utilisation targets and reducing late cancellations and delays.  It now offers a real-time dashboard and reporting options that provide insights into Trust KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

After working with the NHS for 30 years, we recognise that each Trust or Health Board has different processes, challenges, targets, and requirements that any application must meet to be successful.  The design of AQUA theatreman offers flexibility at its core.  A fully configurable system ensures that the Trust or Health Boards can proactively meet the NHS’s ever-changing requirements without costly changes or delays.  For example, AQUA enables the Trust or Health Board to:

  • Construct multiple patient journeys to track patient care throughout the department.
  • Define unlimited Clinical Data capture screens to meet the NHS’s ever-changing requirements.
  • Configure Pre-Operative Assessments to ensure patients are fit for surgery.
  • Build Emergency and Urgent Care patient lists that intergrate into surgical care.
  • Create focused working lists to support day-to-day activites.
  • Configure a checklist to help the Five steps to safer surgery.

AQUA theatreman is fully responsive.  It allows the Trust or Health Board to embrace mobile working with devices such as tablets to offer a face-to-face patient expirience.

The AQUA platfore has integration at its heart.  It is built on an open API architecture and comes with a brand-new integration engine.  It also offers functions such as pass-through integration to support links across applications with patient context.

AQUA theatreman ensures clinical information is recorded quicker, with a higher degree of accuracy and information is available and accessible to those who need it.

The AQUA theatreman solution significantly expands the return on investment already provided from our initial theatreman solution by introducing serveral new features dedicated to maximising efficiencies for every aspect of the Trust/Health Board.  With the deepening financial pressures every NHS Trust or Health Board is facing, we can provide a solution which provides simple but effective ways of reducing cancellations, maximising theatre usage, and reducing waiting lists.  The document below outlines specific areas where our AQUA theatreman solution assists you and provides tangible evidence of how this happens.

Native Web Application

Supporting easy app access and enabling rapid deployments

Cloud Based Options

Aligning with the NHS cloud first strategy and ensuring the app is equally at home in the cloud as it is on prem.


Fully user configurable enabling system administrators to define the patient care pathways and patient data capture.

Mobile First Design

Improving face to patient care and quality of data entry.


An Open API that enables authorised systems to access theatreman functionality and data


Offering real time dashboards and reports to support and enhance operational management of theatres.

Native Web Application

The initial efficiency AQUA brings is the speed with which the solution can be deployed. While there is still input required from the Trust or Health Board, the majority of the set up and configuration is completed by our experienced Trisoft team. The system also benefits from being able to be implemented as either a Trust/Health Board/ICS wide implementation or as a modular departmental implementation.

Cloud Based Options

By offering options for how an organisation manages the solution enhances the opportunity to conform to the specific requirements of the NHS. The system is equally at home as either a fully hosted cloud-based solution or as an on-prem solution hosted by the organisations own infrastructure. Working with the Trust, Health Board or ICS, we identify which option best suits at implementation stage but also assist in the planning of any alternative options that organisations may wish to adopt at a later date.


AQUA Theatreman was re-designed from the ground up. This new design enabled the solution to be created with configuration as its foundation. Creating, amending or altering pathways is now in the hands of the Trust/Health Board. Administration rites are given to a selected number of personnel who then have the ability to alter and amend all parts of the system to provide efficiencies where necessary. A simple check box configurator enhances to user experience and makes this previously lengthy process, instant.

Mobile First Design

We appreciate the need for staff to provide personal one on one care to individual patients and interact with them during any situation. Our AQUA solution has been designed to be device agnostic allowing the use on modern technologies such as tablets to be used on a daily basis. Staff are therefore able to face patients, complete complex tasks and complete the necessary system actions while delivering face to face care.


We understand the importance of integration and how a modern Healthcare organisation requires systems and solutions to pass information seamlessly between themselves to assist in managing the Patient journey. With this in mind, AQUA has been designed to maximise integration capabilities and the bi-directional flow of patient data.

Most importantly this includes the ability to integrate with modern EPR solutions which enables Trusts and Health Boards to continue to utilise our dedicated theatre management solution and all of the benefits that brings, rather than having to take the theatres module from the EPR provider which offers less functionality, fewer benefits and therefore less efficiencies.


Reporting is key to understanding how effective systems and solutions are and to improve patient through put. Our AQUA Theatreman solution provides a multitude of ways data can be visualised. These include:

  • Information direct to the Trusts/Health Board Business Intelligence Team – Each organisation has the ability to pull all or specific elements of data directly into whatever reporting tool they currently use. This then allows the teams to provide information to every area of the Trust/Health Board.
  • A detailed Report Builder – Each Trust or Health Board can generate their own reports directly from the system using the Report Builder section of the solution. Bespoke reports can be generated using the multitude of fields available which can then be circulated directly to the staff who require the information.
  • Standard Reports – A number of standard reports are created during the implementation phase of the process to provide detailed levels of efficiencies right from the start. We work with each Trust or Health Board individually to create the standard reports and ensure the information is circulated to whom it needs to go to as and when its required.

Building on from the above features, we have identified specific areas where each customer will see immediate benefits. These include:

  • Patient Planning
  • Theatre Management
  • Recovery
  • Safety & Paperless

Each specific area within the system will provide individual cost efficiencies but when all elements are added together, we are able to prove that our AQUA Theatreman solution is not only cost neutral but will generate enhanced income for the Trust.

Patient Planning

Improve Utilisation

Underutilised lists waste theatre time and increase personnel costs. AQUA theatreman gives theatre coordinators the tools to improve their theatre utilisation, features include:

  • Minimum and optimum utilisation targets for each operating list based on their department and specialty
  • Specific RAG (Red, Amber, Green) targeted views to support 6-4-2 planning meetings
  • Accurate anaesthetic and procedure times based on surgeon and Trust averages
  • Embedded analytics to fully analyse current and past performance

These features enable organisations to fully analyse performance and target improvements; they offer insights that ensure theatre coordinators can focus on reducing underutilised lists.

Reduce Late cancellations

Late cancellations result in wasted theatre time and personnel costs, and negatively impact the waiting list. However, many late cancellations are inherently avoidable, AQUA theatreman includes a number of features to support the Trusts to reduce incidents.

Effective Planning

Some late cancellations are caused by a failure to ensure the pre-requisites are complete before the day of surgery. AQUA theatreman offers the following:

  • Integrated Pre-assessment offers full visibility in theatres of the current status of the pre-assessment to ensure the patient is fit for surgery.
  • Readiness for surgery checklists, enable Trusts/Health Boards to fully manage all the requirements prior to and on the day of surgery. The checklists are fully configurable and can include questions such as:
    • Has the patient confirmed the appointment?
    • Has the patient completed their consent forms?
    • Has a bed been allocated?
    • Has the patient been made aware of all pre-surgical requirements (stopping medicines etc).
    • Are there any special requirements (such as interpreter, special bed)?
    • Is all equipment available?
    • Is an ambulance required?
  • Accurate procedure times ensure lists are realistic and achievable.
Optimised Patient flow

Cancellations will inevitably occur when lists overrun, delays caused by clinical issues are largely unavoidable, however AQUA theatreman offers a number of methods to mitigate avoidable delays:

  • Allocating Golden patients (Patients with least risk, least clinical uncertainty) are pushed to the start of the list to start the list well. Studies have shown that lists that start badly do not improve.
  • Tracking patient readiness on ward prior to theatre reduces delays in waiting for the patient. Similarly ward visibility of expected time in theatre ensures patients are ready when required.
  • Capturing reasons for delays for late starts, patient turnarounds and between timing points, creates a continuous improvement culture that improves patient flow over time.
Reduce Waiting Lists

When utilisation is improved and late cancellations are reduced, the patient throughput is increased, and the waiting list is reduced. In addition, the waiting list can be directly managed from AQUA theatreman. This feature offers full visibility of the patient episodes on the list with the ability to create filtered, sortable lists that support initiatives such as ‘hit lists’.

If the Trust/Health Board only improve their throughput by 2 procedures a day, AQUA theatreman will pay for itself within the year.


Improve Clinical safety

Software as well as being Fully DCB0129 compliant, AQUA theatreman offers a number of features that improve clinical safety and reduce never events.

  • Wristband scanning when selecting patients ensures the correct patient is selected at all times.
  • Mandatory Electronic WHO checklists that block progress until complete and signed off, focus users on their clinical activities.
  • Visibility of procedure (including laterality) throughout the patient flow to reduce mistakes.
  • Maintainable Clinical Alerts that highlight patient high risks and allergies at every stage
  • Emergency clinical priority that highlights critical patient delays and manages patients according to their clinical urgency.
Go Paperless

Removing paper from theatre management is key to improving patient care, both in clinical and non-clinical processes. Electronic records offer one source of truth, are available everywhere and reduce duplication of effort.

AQUA theatreman supports a number of features that support this:

  • Electronic forms can be utilised at all points in the department. The forms are fully configurable with unlimited data items, and various entry types (Tables, Text fields, dropdown boxes, tick boxes, dates etc). The forms are fully version controlled, to allow for the ever-changing requirements of the department and have a hierarchical structure, so they only ask for relevant information.
  • Electronic reporting, allowing users to generate their own reports and share them electronically.
  • Interactive displays that show live relevant information in context.
  • Live Integrations to EPRs and other applications to ensure information is shared as widely as possible.
Improve department management

AQUA theatreman aims to support the theatre department in all aspects of patient management, Further options include:

  • The ability to track patients throughout the department, gaining insights such as the current location of patients and how long they have been in certain areas.
  • Clinical automated audit that supports investigations into critical events.
  • Statutory reporting options to produce national and local reporting requirements (i.e. NATSIPS2 submissions, MDOR).
  • Embedded analytics that offer live updates to support users in their roles.

AQUA theatreman has been developed from the ground up to offer a scalable and efficient solution to meet the requirements of modern Healthcare organisations. Our understanding of the theatre arena has ensured AQUA provides staff and patients with a modern, robust and dedicated solution which now fits seamlessly into the ecosystem of any Trust, ICS or Health Board.